Sunday, July 14, 2024

Fermenting with Honey

Other than Sauerkraut, I have never really messed around much with ferments. But a month or two ago I decided to try some honey ferments.

Touch wood, we haven’t had a cold for a couple years, but when we do I hate taking over the counter meds, but on the other hand, who wants to feel horrible,

Last year I was gifted two elderberry trees. They didn’t do very good in their new soil but I am hoping the soil improved and they will come back this year, I have read lots on elderberry syrup and the benefits it had to your immune system. So I will be making that once our trees start to produce.

In the past I have made mead…one gallon at a time. Some have turned out pretty good. I think the fermented product I am most proud of is the vinegar I made out of our honey four years ago.

Honey Vinegar 2020

Bochet Mead 2019

It sits in my cold room and every so often I try some and it’s so good. Like mead it takes quite a while before it’s good. So one has to bee patient.

But in the meantime I started with three simple ferments, all of which help improve the immune system along with gut health and many other things. I am no expert by any means, so starting with something easy is the way to go.

Left to right, garlic, ginger and lemon

Fermented Garlic

This stuff is incredible, not only does it helps boosts your immune system but it tastes good, the garlic gets very mild in the honey after time. If you get a cold, it’s recommended you take a clove a garlic and honey everyday. And we all know honey is good for us too.

Fermented Ginger

Oh my goodness, this stuff is so good. I love grabbing a piece of ginger right out of the jar and eating it. Ginger is known to ease a upset stomach but it is also chalked full of probiotics which helps boosts the  immune.

Fermented Lemons

Yum. This helps soothes coughs and sore throats. Also delicious in hot tea or added to hot water when sick. Equally delicious as a tangy dressing for a salad.

Until next time….cheers

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