Saturday, January 28, 2023

Happy New Year!

Not much has been going since we put the bees to bed. We experienced a cold snap near Christmas  and the mercury plummeted to -39C. Other than frozen pipes my first thoughts were of my bees. I know they have survived those temperatures over the three winters, but you still worry about them.

It was a sad Christmas for my family as my mum was not doing well and I had wondered if she would pass on Boxing Day like our dad did 8 years previously. But she pushed on, but soon lost the battle on Dec 29th. I packed up and headed  down to the coast so I could help my sister take care of everything. I suspect another trip will have to happen in a month or two to tie up the lose ends. I still can’t believe I won’t ever be able to ask her anymore questions. 65 years was just not enough time to have her in my life.

But I did get to see my family all together and we had a nice visit. My Mum’s brother is the only sibling left now. So we told him, he just  got two more kids! I love my Uncle Bill. I spent tons of time with their family growing up and I can always rely on him for lots of silliness and laughs. He also remembers the bees his Grampa and Dad had at the nursery. So I always pick his brain for more stories.

I was there for a week and it made me realize how much I enjoy the quietness of living up north. I was thankful when we were driving home, the weather behaved and the roads were clear. 

After a few days I wandered over to download data from the sensors in my hives and look for any life. I could hear three out of four hives. So I was pleased at that. But a lot can happen between now and Spring. So best not stop worrying yet..

I decided to order two Nucs for this year. I ordered them from fellow Beekeeper's in Terrace of whom I have gotten to know over the past 5 or 6 years. I like the way they do things there, they really seem to care about the health and well being of their bees. 

The Nucs  I ordered, were intended as back up incase mine didn’t make it. But I decided I would keep them whether mine survive or not. Nice to get some new blood in my apiary anyways. 

Right now I am working on garden plans, organizing dates to start seeds and laying out the forest garden in the bee yard. So lots to keep me busy until it’s time to play with the bees again. I’m counting the days until I can sit and have coffee in the beeyard and hopefully they have all made it through another Northern winter.

I think the next three years are going to be fun and a little exciting, both for us and the bees.

Stay tuned and until next time……

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