Sunday, January 26, 2020

Its a new year

Happy New Years Everyone!
     Although i never make New Year resolutions, i always say to got to make this the year you do better and have some fun. Everyday you are getting older and you are the only one who can make changes and better your life. So as usual......this is it....this is the year!
     This year like last year, will be a busy one. But i am still hoping we can still sneak away and go on a little road trip to visit some bee people and their apiaries.

Bee yard in the snow

     We just came out of a very cold snap. And although it only lasted a week, it felt like forever. We haven't seen -40C for years now and it was brutal. Our house proved that we have a lot of work to do this year to make it warmer. The 1950's insulation and single pane windows gotta go. But we already planned those changes anyways but we didn't really think this "new to us" wood furnace would suck at heating this place so badly.
     So while we were clustering inside our house, all that everyone was talking about their bees were doing. The cold lasted almost exactly a week and stayed between -30 to -40C.  Come Sunday the temperature began to rise and we hit zero.
I wandered over to the bee yard uttering a prayer all the way...please let me see life, please let me see life. And i did. One bee came out to say hi. There was sign that the other ones had made it too. So hopefully all going well, we will have bees this spring. But on the safe side i did order 1 more package of bees.
Having fun at -30C

So whats new for us this year, we are hoping the bees survive and if need bee we will maybe be able to do a split or two and expand out a bit. I am hoping we may be able to plant a couple more fruit trees in the bee yard. All going well the new trees we planted last year did ok during the winter. So as far as the bees goes thats about it, but with our place....there is tons going on. Hopefully the new windows will be installed and the new insulation and siding will be going up. We are planning a small addition on the back of the house which will house a summer kitchen and living area. Then of course replenish the firewood. The dream of a greenhouse and garden this year will be on the back burner until we get the real important stuff done first.
So another busy year for us. Well thats about it for now. Chat again soon.


  1. Wonderful update're an inspiration and we admire your practicality and ambition. We have a large Pacific Energy woodstove that keeps the house warm til -20C...then we rely on that "switch on the wall"...thank God for natural gas!

  2. Sorry, i missed this comment. We use to have a pacific energy as well and it worked good in our old house.But wouldnt be able to keep up in this old leaky place. Thank goodness for some modern appliances...hahahah
